Opinion » Letters

HART helps

Morro Bay



Shame on San Luis Obispo Animal Services volunteers for attacking HART (“HART takes heat,” Aug. 20). Diana Duncan has provided a service in this community for years. To accuse her of making animal overpopulation worse is both cruel and ridiculous.


Until recently both Woods and Animal Services were releasing unaltered animals on spay/neuter deposits as well. Are volunteers and staff “disgruntled” with these organizations also?


Diana makes a valid point: Adoptable animals move faster, making space for more animals to enter and be placed, in the long run saving more lives. Simple math.


What difference does it make if she is taking in animals from this county or another? It is all one big giant population. Is it that animals in other counties are out of sight, out of mind? Do only the animals in SLO County deserve a chance?


Perhaps these “disgruntled” volunteers would find their time and energy better spent actually helping animals rather than attacking an organization that is doing a good thing!

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