Opinion » Letters

It's clear: Vote for Hilda




The thing I’ve always appreciated about Katcho Achadjian is his total transparency: his transparent what-have-you-people-done-for-me-lately retort to the residents who begged him not to vote for the Cayucos Viewshed ordinance, a developer-written sweetheart deal. (He did, and got the county sued.) The transparent way he went to bat for a major financial backer who wanted to redraw the map to make his ranch part of Santa Barbara instead of San Luis Obispo, even though Katcho looked like a fool cheerleading for the crackpot scheme, which went down in flames (and Katcho’s major backer went on to back Katcho’s opponent in the primary. Failure will not be tolerated, Agent Achadjian!).


That kind of transparency makes it transparently clear to me that we need to send Hilda Zacarias to the State Assembly.

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