Opinion » Letters

Media perspective


After reading Mr. Fonzi's opinion "Dig a little deeper" (Nov. 5), I looked up the word perspective in my dictionary. It states in part "perspective is the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance." I agree with his assertion that "our national and often local press is lockstepped in ideological conformity and demands that its readers join in conformity of thought." Fonzi pushes a narrative that politicizes the media as being biased toward liberalism. I believe his perspective is wrong. Professional journalists have an ethical code to report facts and represent truth. From my perspective, the media's ideological conformity is to report verifiable facts and truth. All media consumers should have conformity of thought to insist on accurate, truthful reporting. We should insist media reporting calls out people, especially elected officials, who push out narratives based on lies, misinformation, and deception. Media should always shine a light on false narratives, political and social demagoguery, and fake conspiracies. This kind of media ideological conformity allows us to make well-informed, wise decisions to improve ourselves, our communities, our country, and the world.

Dean Arrighi

San Luis Obispo

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