
Thank you for your informative article on this important issue (“Privacy and/or equality,” Feb. 6). People who identify with a gender that is different from the gender they were assigned at birth face many obstacles. As a result, they often need support from legislation that prevents discrimination based on their gender identity.

The new law AB 1266 states simply that “a pupil shall be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs and activities, including athletic teams and competitions, and use facilities consistent with his or her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil’s records.” Nowhere does it state that “a student can assert a gender identity at school at any time” and therefore be able to “game the law,” as the law’s detractors assert. The fact that a group makes such comments highlights the necessity for such laws and also for education about transgender issues.

Our organization, Tranz Central Coast, provides support and advocacy for gender variant and gender non-conforming youth and adults. Support groups are offered for transgender people and also for parents, family members, spouses, and allies. We also provide educational programs about transgender issues for the community, covering a wide variety of topics, including medical care, legal rights, educational issues, and anti-discrimination practices.

We invite the community to check out our website,, for more information on how to access our services. We love the Central Coast and want to ensure that no one is excluded from enjoying “the happiest place to live.”

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