Opinion » Letters

More than embarrassed

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Thank you for your recent article on Tianna Arata ("Protest symbol," Aug. 27). I used to be proud of SLO. Now, I'm embarrassed. While the anti-racist outrage throughout the country (particularly here in SLO), is hopeful, I remain perplexed and disillusioned as more is learned about the arrest of Tianna Arata and the charges brought against her.

What about charging the drivers who drove lethal weapons into the protesters as evidenced in posted videos? SLO Police Chief Deanna Cantrell is responsible for charges against Arata as well as the failure to charge the drivers. Meanwhile, SLO County District Attorney Dan Dow fiddles while the situation burns into national news.

Further, Dow spoke on local (Tea Party) and national platforms proclaiming disdain for protesters, along with dismissing the governor's mandate against large gatherings and public singing. He believes we are "commanded to sing praises to our Lord"—the most recent platform (Family Research Council) has been designated a hate group.

Dow does not deserve the respect due to a public official and has endangered the health of SLO County. Personal religious and political beliefs should remain private. As a white woman of a "certain age," I am more than embarrassed. I am outraged.

Susan Pyburn

San Luis Obispo


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