Opinion » Letters

Pay for education with oil

Arroyo Grande



Our school teachers had a pink day, environmentalists have a green day, what color day should the California taxpayers have: how about a black-and-blue day on April 15? Teachers and students are upset that there is a dire shortage of money for education salaries and benefits. Whose fault is that—teachers who live under the tax umbrella of that evil nuclear power plant in Avila Beach (no pink slips)? More understanding in Morro Bay for that plant would have saved teachers’ jobs. The real solution to education and state financial problems is of course oil and natural gas. Why is SLO County going to delay Excelaron another year or more with a full EIR, when education needs that tax money now?

Unions, the Democratic Party, and our turn-coat Republicans all favor higher taxes over drilling for abundant offshore oil and gas. The environmentalists claim that our local oil will only last the nation two to three years, but it will fund education and roads for 20 to 30 years. That oil can be flowing from existing platforms in 30 days or less. Higher taxes would amount to a dry hole. Offshore oil is the only sensible answer.

-- Bob Blair - Nipomo Community Services District director, rural Arroyo Grande

-- Bob Blair - Nipomo Community Services District director, rural Arroyo Grande

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