Opinion » Letters

Playing the Race Card is wrong

Arroyo Grande



Jim Griffin in his commentary (“Racism is still alive and well,” Aug 14) commenting on my opinion piece (“The economy is paramount,” Aug 1), ignores a number of important facts.

Obama proved his bias and played the Race Card when he spoke about the matter before Zimmerman’s indictment, before the trial! Obama said Trayvon Martin would be like a son to him.

Griffin also ignored the fact Obama’s attorney general sent the FBI down to Florida before the indictment, before the trial, to investigate the racial bias behind the incident. Again, before Zimmerman’s indictment, before the trial!

Griffin then argues about the historic socio/economic discrimination against blacks, and ends with the statement they are subject to “a virtual brutal police state and fascistic Klan thugs and mobs ... and now roaming vigilante killers like Zimmerman.” Where is that “virtual brutal police state” and those “fascistic Klan thugs and mobs” today? They are excesses of the past. Those dark times have passed! The statement that Zimmerman (a Hispanic) was a vigilante killer is a gross factual distortion and suggests Griffin’s own bias!

Griffin concludes Obama spoke up after the trial, after the verdict, because it was a “botched trial.” Obama has a right to his opinion, but he is president. Obama as president was wrong on the facts and wrong in playing the Race Card. So is Griffin.

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