
Questions For: Duane Waddell

activist trying to get Rush Limbaugh off of KVEC


NEW TIMES When did you start your efforts to remove Limbaugh from KVEC—creating an e-mail list to raise awareness, contacting the station and its sponsors, and so forth?

DUANE WADDELL A couple weeks ago, with the outrageous statements that were recently made, the “slut” statements, that were going out on the air all over the country. That’s what really got me going on it. I thought it really went over the line.


NEW TIMES What are your thoughts on the effect of Limbaugh’s show, even on those who don’t listen?

WADDELL Even though we may not listen to him, the hate bounces around all of us. Some time ago, Dave Congalton commented that he thought talk radio could be blamed for the polarization that is happening in our nation, and I wondered if he realized the effect that it’s had on him. He’s not the same host that he was 10 or even five years ago. Today, he more often comes close to demonizing his targets. Is he becoming Limbaugh-ized?


NEW TIMES You said in an e-mail you wanted to get volunteers together to listen to Limbaugh’s show on KVEC in shifts, note all of the sponsors, and contact them. How is that going so far?

WADDELL I just sent that out yesterday or the day before, and I haven’t had a lot of response.


NEW TIMES Well, it is kind of an undertaking. And you’d have to listen to Limbaugh.

WADDELL Yeah, that’s why I divided them into half-hour shifts! … It’s become addictive to some people; they just push that button at 9 in the morning for their daily dose. Like I said, those statements continue to increase to the point that it is, hopefully, unacceptable in a civilized society.


NEW TIMES Do you think that you—and other people who are calling the station, or calling sponsors, or circulating the petition on to remove Limbaugh from KVEC—will collectively be successful, at least in San Luis Obispo?

WADDELL That’s the million-dollar question. I think that we’re having an effect. I don’t think there’s any doubt about that. Whether he’ll actually be removed or not, I don’t know.

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