Opinion » Letters

Remove the government from health care




As a member of AARP, I oppose any government involvement in health care. I have no confidence in my elected officials in Washington, D.C., since their current and past actions of mismanagement for Medicare, Social Security, and bail-out plans for undeserving companies speak volumes. The average American has no voice in government any longer since the politicians are controlled by special interests who pay them millions of dollars for their votes on important issues.

We need a health-care plan that will not cost us more funding that we cannot afford, since there is currently great waste in Medicare for bogus payments to doctors who are billing the government for false charges. If a plan is to be devised it needs to be understood by all Americans, not just attorneys who devise 1,000-page documents. There should be reasonable town meetings with all the voters to get their input, along with doctors, insurance companies, and drug companies to shed greater light on this vital subject. We cannot afford to push this important legislation through as it stands!

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