Opinion » Letters

There's development behind Teixeira

San Luis Obispo



We’d like to dot the “i” and cross the “t” on Colin Rigley’s excellent reportage of Supervisor Paul Teixeira’s efforts to quietly starve the South County Advisory Council out of existence, following the debacle of his public effort to oust the elected council members and replace them with personal cronies (“Cut off,” Nov. 10).

While it’s certainly true, as noted, that Teixeira “doesn’t agree with some of [the advisory council’s] decisions” and “wasn’t happy with their approach to land-use in the district,” there’s probably a more specific reason for the supervisor’s intense distaste for grass-roots citizen participation in land-use decisions affecting our communities and his relentless efforts to kill it off. (And with all respect to the Shredder, it’s not because he’s mad at the council for “making him look stupid.”)

Teixeira’s heavily developer-backed supervisorial campaign, and SCAC Chairman Dan Woodson’s reply on the March 14 Dave Congalton show in answer to the question of what he thought would happen if Teixeira succeeded in disbanding the council (“I could imagine there would be a lot of development that would be attempted”) should suffice to clarify the matter.

It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that Teixiera is determined to fashion a rubber stamp that would provide him with political cover for the kind of rampant, unsustainable development that would deliver the biggest possible payday to his backers—the public and democracy be damned.

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