Opinion » Letters

We have freedoms here in America

San Luis Obispo



I would like to believe that in America, we have a better chance of achieving our dreams than other countries. My goals have changed, as I get older, but I feel great knowing I can shoot for them with hard work. I admire Dr. Lewis’s plight of growing up in the Bronx, going to med school, and becoming a nationally known surgeon out of Bakersfield (“‘Asshole’s neighbor,’ July 7). I would imagine his dream, like many of us and his future neighbors, is to live on the beach. He paid $2 million for a tear down and has tried to build for almost two years.

It is my understanding that his pending lawsuit, mentioned in your article, is about the doctor’s neighbor moving the property line by building a retaining wall while the property was in escrow. This would irritate anyone if this is correct. Regarding the large house issue: The doctor’s lot is three lots wide and the supervisors and community should take this into consideration. The other beach houses take up most of their land, and their house would have no doubt been bigger if they had the real estate.

My point is: This is America, and we have freedoms. Just because someone doesn’t like someone else doesn’t mean we have the right to control his/her dreams and aspirations, as long as they comply with the law.

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