Opinion » Letters

We must change or face extinction

Los Osos



Global warming is finally being taken seriously, and with a new administration coming in, hopefully more will be done to cut greenhouse gas emissions with dispatch, which has not been the case for all too long. There are still too many leaders all over the world who refuse to admit this is a deadly problem.

It seems worse when we hear about polar bears being threatened with extinction or elephants or any large creatures, but the fact is the loss of any species is terrible and will ultimately lead to the extinction of all life on this Earth.

We’ve poisoned the air, the sea, and the land year after year, and more harm and damage has been done in the past century than in all the recorded history and prehistory. We really do have to change or face extinction of the human race itself. Perhaps the advent of much higher prices for oil products is a blessing in disguise. Americans can be the leaders in efforts to solve the problem of global warming and save ourselves while doing it.

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