Opinion » Letters

Your SLO Brew article was too positive

San Luis Obispo



I've been reading and enjoying your paper the last 12 years I have lived in SLO. It's always topical, and you've done some especially good investigative journalism. The homeless series was excellent. The movie and art reviews always keep me abreast of what is going on around town, too.

This is why your piece on the new SLO Brew (“Barmageddon!” Nov. 1) was so disappointing. It was very biased and one-sided.

The only person you interviewed for the negative view of this project was Professor Sandra Lakeman, a noted author and architect and active member of Save Our Downtown.

I can tell you, from being a previous member of Save Our Downtown, that this group of citizens only cares about the good of SLO town. The committee is not interested in profit or accolades, just serving the city to be its best.

The concerns regarding the new SLO Brew are legitimate. We have far too many bars now, and drunkenness is part of what our town contends with almost nightly, but especially on weekends. Most families and older folk (like myself) are gone from downtown by 9 o'clock.

Keeping the creek beautiful and appealing to all, not just the SLO Brew patrons, is a concern, too.

Do not fool yourselves that all will be well without constant vigilance and the police patrolling the downtown area.

I am hoping the owners of Brew will take great care in keeping their nighttime patrons orderly. Remember, these corporations—whether they are the Copelands, Westpac (Mr. Marshall), or Mr. Rossi—are interested in profit. Yes, they enhance the city, but not always without cost to the rest of us.

I can only hope that after the project is completed it will be a positive, as most of your article contained.

-- Victoria Grostick - San Luis Obispo

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