Opinion » Letters

You've found a job opportunity

San Luis Obispo



Dear Ana Korgan, I am deeply saddened to hear about your current predicament (“When dreams won’t come,” Nov. 22). Living rent free with your parents while working an internship in a privileged class town can be rough. I feel your pain.

While I haven’t lived with my parents since 18, I still can totally relate. Some of my odd and part-time jobs do not “existentially fulfill” me either. They do, however, allow me to purchase “well-crafted lattes.”

And while using the phrase “I’m just too smart for this shit” might sound like the definition of pretentious, I agree that arguing against blatant pompousness can be successful by simply pointing to your work ethic and job history.

Playing the role of martyr suits you well; maybe you’ll find a career in that?

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